Friday, January 1, 2010


New Years Eve was pretty fun. Hung out with a couple friends, Ashley and Save, and we went to Nanaimo to go shopping for a bit and then later in the evening we got dressed up and went party hopping to see some people. Once we got back to Ashley's (around 2) we had Iced Tea and toast, then went to bed. A lot of people don't believe us that we didn't drink any alcohol. Silly people.

This morning I was awake at 9am getting ready for the annual New Years Day Polar Bear Swim! We were part of the Lucky team, so as "Lucky Girls", we got to wear Lucky jerseys to the swim. We didn't wear them in the water though. As we were waiting, we were wearing sweatpants, sweaters, and housecoats over our bathing suits. Then when there was 5 minutes left, we all went down onto the beach. This year the swim was at Saratoga Beach. I think it was worse waiting to go in than actually going in! As soon as the guy yelled go, at least a hundred people ran screaming into the water. And let's just say it was good surfing weather! Windy with lots of waves, and a bit of rain.

We ran in till we were about waist deep and then dove in. And HOLY POOP ON A STICK it was cold! But it was so worth it! It was a lot of fun. Ashley and Save had to go in twice cause they skipped out on it last year. After we dried off a bit, we put our Lucky jerseys and sweatpants back on. Then we headed to Ashley's parent's friend's (thats a mouthful) place for chili, hot dogs, and beer. I took one tiny sip of the beer cause I was a "Lucky Girl" and then a big mouthful of chili. I hate beer. It's disgusting. We hung out there for a bit and it was really cool cause I had just met most of these people but it didn't feel like it. I felt really welcome there.

After a but we went back to Ashley's. First thing we did was crawl into Ashley's bed and have a 3 hour nap. It was MARVELOUS! I love naps! Unfortunately we had to get up cause I had to go home. Except for a quick stop to pick something up last night, I hadn't been home since Wednesday morning. So I got home, had dinner, and now am doing this. I'm thinking it's just about time for bed!

I'll finish off this post with some New Years Resolutions/Goals:

- Get a job
- Save money
- Get in better shape by June
- Finish my first year of college
- Stay involved with Thrive.
- Do more with my friends and family
- Move out successfully in August
- Find a good job in Victoria
- Stay alive

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